Sunday, December 28, 2008

Hi, this is Garrett. Just so most of you know Melissa has pretty much been in charge of this whole blog thingy. And, she has done an amazing job thus far. She is an amazing woman but she sometimes forgets to proofread her posts ;P. so just to give you the missing info. The coupons were a great gift and we did think they would be. Even though Mel is an amazing gift to me we did not hand her out on Christmas day. Second, the baby is about 2 pounds and 9 inches. Other than that she got most of it right! I love her and it was exactly like she said an amazing Christmas! We are so excited for our new house to be finished!!! Just under a month away! 19 days to be exact... but we can't be for certain yet. Anyway, if your reading this after thursday... HAPPY NEW YEAR! We hope all is well for you all!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas has come and gone....

Christmas this year was a little bit different from last year. But it was amazing to say the least. Garrett and I decided that this year instead of getting things for us, we would buy stuff for our house. So that is what we did! and oh boy has it been fun to shop :) For his family we gave them each a "coupon" to come to our house for dinner. Which was fun and easy to make. And i thought i was a good gift, just as long as my cooking is good! hahah

Sam is getting big!

So it may not seem the little guy is huge, but when I am feeling him kick it is the most amazing feeling. Right now sam should weigh about 2 pounds and be about inches long. It is so fun to feel him kick and move around in there. Garrett has been able to feel him and he loves it. He also will talk to him through my tummy, which i think is cute. I am 25 weeks so a little over 6 months. Time is flying by! But I cannot wait to see him and hold the little guy!


Sunday, December 7, 2008

On November 11th, 2008, Garrett and I made our way to the doctors in anticipation to find out if we were having a boy or a girl! Well prior to this date everyone pretty much had me convinced that I was having a girl. The way the baby was acting I was for sure it was a Diva! That morning I woke up having a feeling it was going to be a boy. Well we arrived at the doctors at approximately 2:30 p.m. And as I laid down and got that gooey, but warm jelly on my tummy I couldn't believe how big the baby was getting. It was a pure joy to see the baby just move around! My eyes started to tear up just looking at the little guy. The doctor revealed that the baby was a boy! Garrett Shot his arms up in the arm and screamed "Yes!" He was so excited! He also asked right then if we could go get him a football. I just laughed! It was so excited to see my baby boy! We had a name picked out for him already, Samuel Garrett Smith. Garrett says he has a great football name. :) We were just so pleased to see that everything looked great. He is moving a lot more now and I feel him like crazy! I am almost 6 months and my belly is growing! Time is just flying by. But we are truly grateful to see that our boy is doing good and is healthy.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

So i realize I have not updated my profile for a while! I'm so sorry. Well we have been pretty busy with the holidays, the house, the baby, school, and work. Our house is finally coming along! This picture is the footing to our foundation for our house. We are so excited to see this start moving along! They are "suppose" to be done with our house by January 16th, so we will see. I will be posting a picture of the layout of our house as soon as i find it!

Here are some more pics of the house! They have framed the house, next to go up is the trusses. Its so exciting to see the progress of the house and to see it go up so quickly! We are very excited. The picture you see of me it in Sam's bedroom to be! So we thought we should take a picture of mom and Sam in his room.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

On August 14th 2008, I got up out of bed and decided to take a pregnancy test. A week or two prior to that date we were on the Oregon Coast, and I wasn't feeling very well. So, I kinda had a hunch that I might be pregnant, but I didn't want to get my hopes up. So when I noticed that the icky feeling continued, I decided it was time to take the test. I got up from bed and headed off to Walmart. Garrett was already at work, and so were his parents. I got the pregnancy test and headed for home. I immediately went for the bathroom and took the test. As I waited I put my hands in my face, I could feel my heart racing, I didn't want to look. I had been disappointed a lot, so I was afraid of that. I finally worked up the courage to look at my pregnancy test. And sure enough it said "YES," I was so thrilled I just started to sob, I couldn't believe I was pregnant! So many emotions went through my head. I had to talk to somebody. But I decided to wait to tell Garrett and surprise him with the news. So instead I called my sister Heidi. When she answered the phone I was just sobbing, she thought something had happened to me. I could barely speak, but I finally spilled out the words, "I'm pregnant!" She was so excited. Garrett came home later that day and I surprised him with a little onesie that said, "You're going to be a daddy." (and don't worry I have this on video!) He was so thrilled!

This picture was taken when I was only 5 weeks and 6 days along! We couldn't believe that they could even find the baby! The baby was only about 1/4 inch long. When we were watching the baby there was a little flicker, and the nurse told us that it was the babies heart beat. CRAZY!! So the baby already has a nickname, it is "Peanut." Right now I am currently 15 weeks and 3 days along, so the baby is about 4 3/4 inches long. I am not feeling as sick as I used too. I am actually feeling a lot better! The baby is being nice to me. We have not found out yet if it is a boy or a girl. But the way things are going the baby is acting a little diva-ish, so we will see. We find out on November 11th. So that is going to be a very exciting day.
Well, as most of you know Garrett and I are starting a few new chapters in our life. Yesterday was our one year anniversary. We can't believe its already been a year! So crazy! Everything on our house is going well. We are still working on some paper work, so they haven't started to build just yet. But we are looking forward to when they start building! We will keep you posted on the building of the house. We are going to take lots of fun pictures as the house gets more and more done. So, it will be exciting to watch it get built. We are getting a great deal on the house! It will be brand new...(obviously) and we are getting it for $134,990. So its in our price range which is perfect. And since the market is so bad and everyone is so desperate, they are giving us $10,000 to help with closing cost and upgrades for our home :) So, pretty nice! Garrett and I both felt really good about it, and the timing couldn't be more perfect. So it's a great opportunity for us. Now when family and friends come to visit we will have a place for them to stay.